Saturday 7 March 2009

west mains problems 1


This set of photographs were taken on the 26th. Nov. The date on the prints is wrong due to me having changed the date in the camera. If you look on the parapet of the bridge you can seee that we have had a visit from our friendly neighbourhood ASBO, who has sprayed his thoughts on the cleaned surface. Credit where it is due, last year after 29 years of complaining they cleaned the graffiti of the bridge! So if it takes as long with this lot then I guess I will be pushing up the daises.
A clear shot above of the problem, this has been here for a month. I am going to leave it to the end of this week then send this to Andy Kerr and our councillor.
There are several lamp posts in the park that have live wires hanging out of them, and also do not work, some of these have been this way for as long as I can remember. However I have another letter in my file from a Teflon Warrior telling me that these lights are inspected every two weeks. make that decades mate. You are having a laugh. Who ever you are giving my poll tax to for this inspections should be sued as he/she is not doing them so we are due a huge refund. I have said this before if it cannot be done from the cab of a pick up truck then it does not get done. Some of these lights can only be accessed on foot.
This is one just of Kirktonholme road. Behind Falkland drive. These lights were on all day, "great," I thought the inspection is taking place. As I walked on hope began to fade, then as I approached the sub station at Tantallon, lo and behold there was two men in white overalls cleaning a wee green box that sticks out of the ground and one of the signs on the gate, and a very good job they were doing. But they did not stray far from the comfort and security of their beloved pick up. So at least parts of the system will be clean, perhaps and inspection is imminent? Tomorrow we shall see. Notice the gravel track in the shot above. This was laid with concrete slabs, until the council started using these ride on grass cutters, which when driven down these paths destroyed the paving. So they lifted the paving last year, managed to get their pick up all the way along here. Then they stuck a wee barrier up with a sign on it saying, "use other path." It lasted about two hours before it was flattened and ended up floating about Kirktonholme road and in and out of various hedges for a few months. There is a premium price been paid now for metal and alloy so maybe it ended up in the scrappy. It's good to recycle.
Here we have ASBO land. This is the outlet of the burn as it runs under the Queensway. I am taking this shot from the footpath. Again this path sees hundreds of journeys during the week as it lies between the two schools. So who cares if a wee wean falls down the hill and into the burn? And who cares if we see shopping trolleys in there until July. Obviously the inspector for this area does not. Ah! but you can only access here on foot, that will be why, although you could stop your pick up on the Queensway and look down the bank. Incidentally when the burn enters the drain under the Queensway it has no grid on it, so why do we need one downstream at Burnbrae.
This is the "play" park between Burnbrae and Methven. Been like this for 20 odd years. each time I have complained and many other people, we get the same Teflonese line. "Play parks in the region are being inspected and reviewed, and we expect to have money in next years budget to attend to this." YOU HAVE NO MORE INTENTION OF DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PARK THAN I HAVE OF TAKING UP ORIGAMI. It is permanently covered in broken Buckfast bottles. Which do not get swept up. Yes we get a litter picker working here from time to time but he don't do brushes and shovels. It is left to a wee old lady from Burnbrae to sweep this up when it gets to bad.


So what is going on here is that grids were put over the two drains in the top picture here to keep out small neds apparently, who used to run through from here to the other side, and had been doing this for years, (who cares if they want to emulate rats let them.) I have a letter in my file from a manager who says that these grids will be cleared every week and up to three times a week in inclement weather, which at this time of year is every bloody week. However there has been no cleaning done here for a month.
What happens then is a wee shower of rain and the whole system becomes backed up and becomes a mini loch, with steep sides and in an area where hundreds of crossings are made each day to and from the schools in the area. Unless of course the grids are cleaned and the system runs about 6 inches deep straight through.
The other thing that these idiots have done is to put a dam in preventing the second drain from working until the water gets to about a metre deep. WHY, YOU HAVE CREATED A BIGGER HAZARD THAN HAS EVER BEEN HERE WITH YOUR IGNORANCE. Last winter the drains overflowed and flooded right through the underpass and down the path towards the school, flooding the park on the other side. WHAT BLOODY INCOMPETENCE AND UTTER MADNESS.

Above we see a fence or grid that has been put in up stream of the underpass, creating another back up in rainy weather. So now we have two areas of potential death trap, in an area where we have seen a fatality already is one not enough guys?

As you can see close to housing where young kids run around.

Now that I have a wee bit of time on my hands I am walking the dog a lot and getting around the local area. Over the past few years I have written and e-mailed councillors, officials, and MPs and MSPs regarding vandalism and neglect by the Council in my local area. I have been here for 30 years! Some things have been attended to, but to get the people responsible for these areas to continue to do what they should be doing is an up hill struggle. And they lie and lie to cover their arses and incompetence. It is my humble opinion that we have managers that never leave their office, and practise remote management by e-mail and diktat. And inspectors who do not exist or inspect any thing. They have adapted the latest stealth technology, and become invisible and plated with Teflon. They have also learned the Teflonese language.

A few years ago a man died in the burn at the bridge in Burnbrae Place here. The handrail on the bridge had been damaged by council vehicles running over what is designed as a pedestrian bridge. Our friendly local neds finished the job and demolished the handrail which lay that way for weeks.

One night a man wending his way home from the village fell through the handrail and died. As quick as a flash the local councillor was in the local press, categorically assuring us that the handrail had been inspected the day before by SLC staff. Local people such as me and my neighbours who walk there every day knew this was arse covering and lying by local officials. It was implied that we were liars. Why on earth would someone lie about that, unless you are arse covering? We were proven correct in the court case that followed in Hamilton Sheriff Court, but no apology was ever seen from the Teflon Warriors.

To cut to the chase I am now taking date stamped pictures of the area as the same neglect is taking place again, only this time there will be date stamped evidence. The area has now been turned into a death trap by stupid ignorant people who could not find their arse with both hands, the pictures will tell the story.

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